2025 Jan 3
Unveiling or Showdown
This is the final phase, after the last round of betting, where players must show their cards to all players to determine who wins.
Ace High
Of the five cards, the highest is the Ace.
Best card supporting a pair. For example, if you have a King (K) and a Queen (Q), and a King (K) comes on the flop, you have a pair of Kings (K) with a Kicker Queen (Q).
Add on
Possibility of increasing one’s buy-in, usually after a rebuy.
All in
When a player puts all his chips in play on one shot. The other players can bet and raise above the player’s total “All in”. The player may win the pot up that point (including players who followed behind the “All-in”). All bets and raises will create a side pot that can be won by the other players. If the “All-in” player wins the pot, the side pot is won by the second player who wins.
What a player says during a round of betting, such as “check”, “raise”, etc.
When the three cards of the flop are of different “colours”. For example: 10 of Clubs, Queen of Diamonds and King of Spades.
Used when the two private cards of a player are in the same “colour”.
In the dark
Said of a player who bets without looking at his private cards.
Bad beat
Name given to a bad hand that beats a good hand by a lucky combination.
Money available to a player.
Invest some money in the pot.
Big blind
Amount to be bet by the second player to the left of the dealer before the cards are dealt. It is usually twice the amount of the small blind.
Amount that the two players to the left of the dealer must bet before the cards are dealt. They represent the initial pot and encourage players to invest in the game.
When a player leads the other players to believe that he has a better hand than he really does. The bluffer will call, bet or raise as if he had a good hand, leading his opponents to fold before the showdown and therefore win the pot with a weak hand. The bluff can also occur the other way, where the bluffer leads the other players to believe that he has a weaker hand than he really does.
The center of the table, where the community cards are the pot lay. When you play only with the cards from the board (that is, without your two private cards), you are “playing the board”.
Bottom Pair
When a player uses the lowest card of the flop to make a pair.
Object placed in front of the dealer to “remember” the order in which the players are to speak. It is moved clockwise after each game.
Three of a Kind
Combination of 3 cards of the same kind (for example, three 10s), and 2 other different cards.
Burn a card
Before the Flop, the Turn or the River, the dealer “burns” a card; he removes the top card of the deck and keeps it face down.
Amount to bring to the table in order to be able to enter a tournament or to sit at the table.
To align one’s bet to the highest current one.
“Ambush”. Check, with the intent of raising at the end of the round. This technique, meant to “inflate” the pot, was forbidden for a long time, but is now allowed.
Chip or Token
Betting unit.
Chips Race or Color Up
Exchange of tokens that are no longer used for tokens of higher value.
Chip leader
The chip leader has the largest number of chips.
Poker or Four of a Kind
Combination of 4 cards of the same kind (for example, four 7s), and 1 other card.
Hidden cards or private cards
Cards that only each player sees.
Free card
When a card is dealt without the players having to risk any more money. Players only need to check for the next card to be dealt. That card is “free”.
High Card
This is the lowest hand combination at Poker. It consists of the single highest card value.
Up cards or community cards
Cards laid face up on the Flop, the Turn or River. All players can see them and they are used along with their own cards to make combinations.
Cash game
Game where the chips represent real money.
Cash out
To Leave the game and exchange one’s chips for real money.
Betting Round
Order (clockwise) in which the players are invited to speak.
Literally: “Continue”. Allows you to stay in the game without betting. Only possible if no bet was made in the current the betting round.
Value of the cards in relation to each other and value of a five-card hand compared to other five-card hands.
Fold or Skip
To abandon the current game.
Color or Flush
Combination made up of 5 cards of the same “colour”.
Combination of 5 cards of the same “colour”, where the highest card is the Ace.
Probability of completing the hand vs. probability of failing to complete it.
Cut off
Player located “before” the dealer, i.e., immediately to his right and the last to speak. This situation is ideal to try to “steal” blinds when no one has bet or raised in the round.
Player who deals the cards. The dealer changes at the end of each game. The button keeps track of who is the dealer.
Dead Blind
Fine when the player does not bet the blind while it is his turn to do so.
When the cards of a hand are not matched.
Two pairs
Combination of cards, where 2 cards are of the same kind, 2 other cards are of the same kind, and the last card is different. For example, two 2s, two Aces and a 5.
when the player draws a card, which will not help regardless.
Minimum amount to bet on the table during a betting round. It may be limited, or not (No limit).
There are 4 families: Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs.
After the first betting round, the first 3 community cards are dealt. These make the flop.
Tournament for which registration is free, but where players can still make money.
Poker tournament where players start with the same number of chips without being able to rebuy or add-on. When a player is eliminated, he cannot come back after having bought new chips.
Full or Full House
Combination of cards, made of a Pair and a Three of a Kind.
A player who plays using his psychological skills, his luck and mathematics. He is often difficult to “read” by his opponents.
Player who plays games at a weaker level than his own. The goal of the grinder is to win against weaker players.
Best combination a player can get with 5 cards.
Heads Up
Final face-to-face.
High card
At the beginning of the game, to choose the first dealer, each player is given a card, and whoever gets the highest card is designated dealer.
Variant of the game of Poker. This variant is the most played around the world.
Limp in or Slow Pay
Underplay a big hand, by only following before the Flop.
Where the maximum value of a bet is limited. It can also limit the number of raises.
Bet the Pot
Make a bet of equal value as the pot.
The player decides not to show his cards at the showdown if the opponent has shown a stronger hand or when all players have decided to skip.
No limit
Game where the players can bet the amount they please.
Best possible hand at a point in time during the game.
Variant of Poker where each player gets four private cards and shares five cards with the other players.
On the rush
A player is on the rush when the odds are on his side.
Out of position
A player is out of position when he is at the beginning or in the middle of the round.
Remaining cards that could allow an improvement of the hand.
A player opens when he is the first to speak in the first round of betting.
Private cards which are higher than the community cards.
Private pair which is higher than the community cards.
Combination of cards, where 2 cards are of the same kind, and the 3 others are all different. For example, two Jacks, a Queen, a 2 and a 5.
Pocket Pair
A pair in one’s private cards.
Tokens that a player has on the table.
Paid Position
In a tournament, the paid positions are the positions from which the players leave with real money. For example, out of 1,000 players, only the first 150 places might be paid.
Pocket Hands or Starting Hands
The two private cards that are dealt early in the game.
Poker face
Face without expressions, in order to avoid giving the opponents signs or hints.
Closed Poker
Poker where there are no community cards, as in Stud.
Open Poker
Poker where there are community cards, as in Texas Hold’em or Omaha.
All bets and blinds placed in the middle of the table and that will be won by the winner(s) of the game.
Pot limit
Game where the maximum bet the players can make is the value of the pot.
Period before the Flop.
Combination where the 5 cards are consecutive, regardless of “colour”.
Straight Flush
Flush where the cards are of the same “colour”.
Royal Flush
Strongest combination of cards, where the 5 cards are consecutive from the 10 to the Ace, and in the same “colour”.
When a player bets more than the bet of an opponent. The re-raise is a raise on top of a raise.
Fifth and final card to come on the board. It is said that at the river, you either swim, or sink.
Tournament where the prizes are seats to bigger tournaments.
Shoot out
Tournament in which there is no rebalancing of the tables when players are eliminated. There are the same number of tables at the beginning and the end of the tournament, and the winners of the tournament are the winners of each table.
Side pot
Auxiliary pot when a player goes all in and the betting continues.
Signs or Tell
Behaviour or attitude that can betray a player.
Sit in
When a player indicates that he wants to participate in the next game.
Tournament with few participants that begins only when the number of participants set is reached.
Sit out
When a player leaves his seat but without leaving the game.
Small Blind
Amount to be bet by the first player to the left of the dealer, before the cards are dealt. It is usually half the amount of the big blind.
Split pot
Pot shared between one or more players with hands of equal strength.
String Bet
Prohibited practice which consists in betting tokens in several times. Players must announce their bet and place the corresponding tokens on the board; they cannot make a bet by placing some tokens on the board, then some others, and more…
Having two cards of the same “colour”.
Suited connector
Having 2 cards of the same colour, in sequence.
Top pair
When the highest card of the board constitutes a pair with one of your private cards.
Round of betting
At Texas Hold’em, the betting rounds are: the distribution of private cards (preflop), the Flop, the Turn and the River.
Fourth open card to come on board.
Under The Gun
Player just after the Big Blind. This is a difficult position as the player needs to speak first, without “knowing” the attitude that will have opponents.
Value bet
Raise with the best possible hand, with the goal to be paid by the opponent.

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